Eurasia News

Cameroon forces kill 162 Boko Haram militants, retake the city

Yaounde – Cameroon’s government says its troops have resumed in northern Nigeria city of Goshi Boko Haram, killing 162 militants in a weekend operation. Minister of Communication Issa Tchiroma Bakary said late Monday that Cameroon special forces also released about 100 detainees held by the extremists, including Cameroonians and Nigerians. …

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Valls visits Mali and Burkina Faso, also struck by terrorism

Manuel Valls went to Mali on Thursday and Friday and Saturday in Burkina Faso, the opportunity to exchange with the authorities of these countries recently hit by bloody attacks, but also visits to the French troops there. The Prime Minister must “ensure the continuity of the support of France” in …

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Burundi: Police shows off five "terrorists" suspected repented before the press

The police of Burundi paraded before the press Tuesday in Bujumbura five young men described as “terrorists” repented, they decided to “themselves” to surrender to the authorities, have we learned from police sources. These five “terrorists” belong to “armed criminal groups disrupted security in Bujumbura, including with grenade attacks, and …

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Mali: three soldiers killed in an ambush in the Timbuktu region

According to military sources, three Malian soldiers died Friday in an ambush in the Timbuktu region. The attack came the same day as that of a base of Minusma Kidal. “Three of our men died today between the towns of Timbuktu and Goundam when their vehicle fell into an ambush …

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Mali: the head of the Minusma Kidal after the deadly attack against peacekeepers

The head of the UN Mission in Mali (Minusma) visited Saturday peacekeepers in Kidal (north-east) the day after the attack, claimed by the jihadists of Ansar Eddine, who killed six Guinean soldiers the Minusma, did we learn from this force. The Guinean government has confirmed that six soldiers to its …

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Nigeria: Thirty dead in attacks against two villages

Thirty people were killed in attacks from members of the Islamist group Boko Haram against two villages in northeast Nigeria that they looted, had said Saturday AFP armed guards. Armed attackers arrived aboard minibus and cycling in remote villages of Yakhari and Kahifa Friday night and Saturday. “The attackers killed …

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Sissi: Egypt achieved a democratic transition

Cairo – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi said that his country had made a transition to democracy after years of turmoil since the uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Sisi made the remarks Saturday during his speech at Egypt’s parliament for the first time since it was …

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Cameroon strikes Boko Haram near border attack

Yaounde – Cameroon soldiers killed at least 27 fighters Boko Haram after the launch of a cross-border operation in the Nigerian town of Goshi which also resulted in the death of a soldier, a senior military official said Friday. At least seven other soldiers were wounded in the operation on …

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