Eurasia News

Protests continue in Ukraine after decision to reject EU pact

Thousands of protesters camped out Monday in Kiev’s central square after violent clashes during huge demonstrations calling for early elections to punish the Ukrainian government for rejecting a historic EU pact. Defying a protest ban, the energetic crowd chanted “Revolution!” and “Down with the gang” as it

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Bulgaria welcomes Moldova, Georgia’s decision to sign Asociation Agreements

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev spoke on Friday at the EU Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius. “In spite of the external pressure that Georgia and Moldova faced, those two countries clearly showed

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EU says it’s still ready to resume negotiations with Ukraine

EU regrets about not signing Association Agreement with Ukraine that is the widest offer of partnership for the states that are not members of the European Union, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said. “The offer of signing the most ambitious agreement the European Union has ever offered …

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NATO welcomes results of Vilnius summit

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen Friday welcomed the results of the Eastern Partnership Summit which ended today in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. “The Vilnius Summit is a defining moment in the European Union’s relationship with Eastern European partners. I congratulate Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova

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