
Skottskadade småbarn – kan regeringen vakna nu?

”Barn ska alltid kunna känna sig trygga i vårt samhälle”, fastslog inrikesminister Mikael Damberg (S) i en skriftlig kommentar efter att det fruktansvärda hänt: Två små barn blev skjutna i Stockholmsförorten Flemingsberg på lördagskvällen. Vad betyder detta ”ska”? Ska barn och deras föräldrar låtsas att det inte skjuts på ett …

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След “Магнитски” България отново е замесена в световен скандал

Сто и петдесет IT специалисти в центъра на София са се посветили на Кибершпионажа, без да се замислят, че софтуера, който разработват може да застраши националната сигурност, ако попадне в злонамерени ръце. Използвайки слабостите на различните телекомуникационни системи, софтуера Pegasus прониква безпроблемно в личния живот на набелязаната личност. Свободното му …

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Pegasus-Abhörskandal: Nur die Spitze des Eisbergs

Die israelische Firma NSO hat die Pegasus Abhörsoftware programmiert und beteuert, dass sie „auf der guten Seite“ stehe. Das unsichtbare Rundumspionagewerkzeug dürfe nur gegen Kriminelle, Pädophile und zur Terrorabwehr eingesetzt werden. Zudem seien „ausschließlich überprüfte Regierungen“ empfangsberechtigt. Wie sehr das Spionagenetz Amok läuft, haben die Enthüllungen gezeigt: Auf Tausenden von …

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Arabs Warn Biden: The War on Terrorism is not Over

The Arabs are saying that the Americans are mistaken if they think that the war on terrorism will end with the withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan. Adib warned that the US will pay the price for its exit from Afghanistan. “The cost of the withdrawal will be greater …

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Face it: ‘New’ counter-terror policy in Africa lacks political will to change course

The House passed a bill that sounds good superficially, but doesn’t end the useless militarized approach or get to root problems. Last month the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program Act of 2021” with strong bipartisan support. Current U.S. policies have been counterproductive and a new …

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The overreaction to China’s new nuclear silos

China hawks have seized on a report about new Chinese missile silos to spread alarmist claims about the Chinese nuclear arsenal and agitate for a new arms race. The revelation that China has been quickly building approximately 119 new hardened silos in the desert of Gansu province is important new …

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Surprise: no one ‘bad guy’ responsible for violence in the Middle East

Americans love a good-guy, bad-guy story — especially in the Middle East. In the 1980s, Muammar Ghaddafi was “the mad dog of the Middle East.” Two decades later, overthrowing Saddam Hussein was supposed to be a death blow to the “Axis of Evil.” Around the same time, Syria became a …

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Mozambique’s Insurgency Requires a Multi-Pronged Response

A violent insurgency in Mozambique’s northernmost province of Cabo Delgado is sparking fears that the area could become the next frontier for global jihadism in Africa. In recent years, young men, sometimes carrying the black flag of the Islamic State, have swept hundreds of thousands of people off their land …

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