
Word Games: Russian Language Disputes Could Again Fracture Moldova

The status of Russian remains deeply contentious in Moldova – and both Moscow and Moldova’s politicians have shown their willingness to exacerbate divisions by playing the language card. Alook into Moldovan archives shows how the states treatment of the Russian language destabilised the country on multiple occasions in the 20th …

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US Sledgehammer Diplomacy on Kosovo Won’t Budge Serbia

Joe Biden’s tactless message to Serbia on the need to recognise Kosovo won’t unnerve Belgrade – and risks pushing it further into the waiting arms of Russia and China. The 18th-century English dramatist Edward Moore may not be deeply ingrained on the collective memory of the Anglophone world, yet his …

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In Moldova, New President Wrestles with Hostile Parliament

Nominating a prime minister, President Maia Sandu calls for an election. Her rivals stand in the way. Moldova’s new pro-European president, Maia Sandu, is walking a political tightrope with the nomination of her former finance minister to head the country’s next government, giving her rivals the chance to delay a …

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Kosovo Guerrillas’ Stronghold Tense Ahead of Election Showdown

In Skenderaj/Srbica, hometown of several Kosovo Liberation Army commanders including ex-President Hashim Thaci, who is awaiting trial in The Hague for war crimes, tensions have risen amid a strong opposition challenge in the election campaign.

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