
Sarkozy Recognises Kosovo’s Progress

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu has received a letter from French President Nikolas Sarkozy, reaffirming France’s support for the country. The Monday letter began with words of acknowledgment of Kosovo’s progress since its unilateral declaration of independence in February last year, stating that “in the year and a half since declaring …

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Border Dispute to be Resolved Bilaterally

The Croatian-Slovenian border dispute must be resolved bilaterally by the countries concerned, according to the future president of the European Union, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. “This is a bilateral dispute and a solution lies with those countries,” Bildt said in Brussels. “It is time for them to reflect and …

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Croatia’s UN Ambassador Faces Fraud Scandal

The Croatian Foreign Ministry has summoned home the country’s ambassador to the United Nations on suspicion that he used his diplomatic benefits for personal gain. Croatian Ambassador to the UN Neven Jurica, who took office in early 2008, is suspected of having embezzled several hundred thousand dollars worth of taxpayers’ …

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Statalitatea ca diversiune electorală

„Perseverenţa cu care în ultima perioadă este atacată această realizare supremă a poporului nostru [statalitatea, n. n.] determină clar preocuparea fundamentală a Guvernului ţării” (Programul Guvernului Greceanâi II) Există şi vor exista multe diversiuni în campania electorală care a început deja la Chişinău: calomnii, atacuri la persoană, lansarea unor candidaţi …

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Organized crime concerns in the Balkans

The current global financial crisis couples with the perennial instability of the Balkans, and raises suspicions around the creation of much stronger organized crime groups that will be able to dictate their rules of the game to both local governments and international institutions. Already a trend emerges which has not …

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Emerging Water Industries in Greece

Water management is attracting the attention of businessmen in Greece, especially when it is related to the water cycle and energy production. Dams, water transmission pipelines, water depots, and seawater desalination plants are all included in the five-year plan that the Karamanlis administration has relayed recently to the press, as …

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Kosovo could become regional energy centre, says Ahtisaari

Regarding Kosovo’s prospects Ahtisaari noted that utilising its vast lignite reserves the country could become an energy production centre of the region. Budapest – Kosovo could become a regional centre for energy production, which could help the country tackle political problems, former UN Special Envoy for the Kosovo status process …

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Serbia rejects partial implementation of trade accord

BELGRADE, Serbia Serbia rejects any partial implementation of the interim trade accord it signed with the EU, as proposed by the Netherlands and Belgium last week. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic insisted late on Saturday (June 20th) that such a solution would be “inadequate” and warned it is dangerous …

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EU, US support Inzko’s decision regarding RS

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana voiced full support Sunday (June 21st) for High Representative Valentin Inzko’s decision to annul a resolution passed by Republika Srpska’s (RS) parliament. It obliged entity institutions and officials to oppose any future transfer of power to BiH.

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UNMIK keeps office in Kosovo, despite criticism

PRISTINA, Kosovo UNMIK will keep its legal office operating despite the staff reduction due to the reconfiguration process, local media reported on Sunday (June 21st). Before the February 2008 declaration of independence, the legal office supervised all laws approved by parliament.

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