

Contemporary Europe steadily enters a historical course of Islamization, a trend of macro-historical proportions and of vital social, political and economic significance. The Islam is the unifying factor of more than a billion people, characterized by high birth rates, great devotion to their religious norms and canons, but also knowledgeable …

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Istospolni brakovi

Author: Mirza Čubro Svaki pojedinac u BiH u proteklih 14 godina bar je jednom doživio diskriminaciju. Postoje oni koji, primjerice, nisu mogli dobiti posao zbog vjerskog opredjeljenja, nacionalnosti, pola… U oči bode činjenica da su pripadnici manjinskih naroda diskriminirani u dijelovima zemlje u kojima su dobri poslovi, kvalitetni projekti rezervirani …

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SDA će blokirati popis stanovništva

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Popis stanovništva u BiH neće biti održan 2011. godine kako je to planirano jer će ministri SDA u Vijeću ministara BiH i poslanici ove stranke u parlamentu BiH glasati protiv zakona o popisu, tvrdi Sulejman Tihić, predsjednik SDA. “Revidirana strategija provedbe Aneksa 7 Dejtonskog mirovnog …

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European leaders back Western Balkans’ integration

BELGRADE, Serbia Presidents of fourteen Central and Southeast European countries voiced strong support Friday (June 19th) for the Western Balkans’ integration into the EU and its visa liberalisation process, media reported. Attending a two-day summit in the northern town of Novi Sad, the leaders stressed the entire region’s future depends …

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EU warns BiH about violating CEFTA accord

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) The EU said on Friday (June 19th) that BiH has violated its commitments under the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) by adopting a controversial law on customs duties, media reported. On Thursday, parliament endorsed the bill, which imposes higher duties on nearly 1,000 items, …

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Turkish Cypriots hint of alternative to reunification talks

NICOSIA, Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Huseyin Ozgurgun said on Friday (June 19th) his government may consider other options if the ongoing reunification talks with Greek Cypriots fail. His statement followed a meeting with UN special envoy for Cyprus Alexander Downer in Nicosia.

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US, EU renew calls for fair elections in Albania

TIRANA, Albania The United States and the EU on Friday (June 19th) once again called on Albania to hold free and fair elections to boost its chances for closer ties with the West, media reported. In a statement, the US Embassy in Tirana said next week’s elections will test the …

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Greece inaugurates new Acropolis Museum

ATHENS, Greece The long-awaited new Acropolis Museum was officially inaugurated on Saturday (June 20th) at a ceremony in Athens. Greece’s political leaders and hundreds of foreign dignitaries, artists and academics attended the ceremony. The museum was intended to open in time for the 2004 Athens Olympics, but technical and bureaucratic …

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Paramilitaries Get 15 – 20 Years for Kosovo Crimes

Three Scorpions paramilitaries have been sentenced to serve up to 20 years in prison for killing 14 civillians in Podujevo, near Pristina, in March 1999. The verdict, handed down yesterday at the Belgrade District Court War Crimes Chamber, sentenced Zeljko Djukic, Dragan Medic, and Dragan Borojevic to 20 years, and …

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