
Turkey’s Erdogan says he’ll back military request for Iraqi incursion

ANKARA, Turkey — Speaking to reporters Thursday (May 24th), Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed government support for the military if it decides to launch a cross-border operation against the terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq. Erdogan said he is confident that Parliament would back it as well, …

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yже более десяти лет, как разрушено геостратегическое равновесие мира, которое, в свою очередь, являлось детищем времен «холодной войны». При той системе мир был разделен на две морские и наземные геополитические сферы. Каждая сфера имела свои организации и структуры обороны и безопасности, а также свою географическую зону влияния. Две, противостоящие друг …

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Kurdish leader demands control of Kirkuk

ERBIL (AFP) — The prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan raised fresh calls on Thursday for a referendum to decide the future of the country’s crucial oil hub of Kirkuk, warning that Kurdish patience had limits.

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ANALIZE LUMEA „Gaullismul era penetrat“ Franta celei de a IV-a Republici (1946 – 1958) a constituit un teren de exceptie în ce priveste infiltrarile KGB-ului în sanul comunitatii de informatii franceze si al clasei politice. ÃŽn 1954, 30% din rapoartele Directiei Principale I a KGB se bazau pe date furnizate …

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31.01.2007 – Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review

REVIEW TOPICS: Russian President visits FSB board session, sets tasks, promises wage increase FSB Director speaks about complicated world situation, achievements at service’s board session Controlling stakes in Russia’s strategic enterprises with FSB permission only Kovtun ready to cooperate with Scotland Yard in investigating ex-agent’s poisoning

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30.01.2007 – Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review

REVIEW TOPICS: Kremlin denies link with special forces training shooting at Litvinenko picture Russian human rights activist: secret services have become instrument of authority Lugovoy says British police questioned him as witness in Litvinenko’s poisoning case

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27.01.2007 – Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review

REVIEW TOPICS: Litvinenko’s murder reportedly disclosed, suspect denies role in poisoning Uranium smuggled into Georgia may have come from Russia      Principal version of Yushchenko’s poisoning appeared deadlock, Ukraine’s ex-security service chief says

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