
First Russian navy ship returns to Ukrainian base

SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine (Reuters) – The first Russian navy ship returned to base in the Black Sea on Friday from operations against Georgia. A Reuters correspondent said about 100 Ukrainian protesters, brought by bus by a local party from a nearby town, marched through the Crimean port of Sevastopol as the …

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Russia announces permanent presence in Georgia

Russia says it will maintain military checkpoints within Georgian territory for good, despite a promise to complete a partial troop withdrawal by the end of the day.A senior Russian official said they will build a permanent infrastructure in a ‘buffer zone’ close to the disputed breakaway region of South Ossetia.

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Pakistan sets date to choose new President

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has agreed to a parliamentary debate on re-instating a group of judges who were deposed last year.Sharif had threatened to pull out of the coalition with the party of assassinated former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto if the judges were not restored by today.

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