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Medvedev on South Stream pipeline

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed confidence at the Russia-EU summit that South Stream gas pipeline could turn into a trans-European energy network. “Of late we’ve already reached good results,” the president said adding that Moscow “consecutively diversified oil and gas supply routes.” “We hope that the South Stream project can …

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EU to name Balkan envoy

The European Union will be naming a special representative for the Western Balkans after the Sarajevo summit. The regional gathering is planned for June 2 in the Bosnian capital.

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I državljanin BiH bio u napadnutom konvoju

SARAJEVO Nekoliko stotina osoba održalo je u ponedjeljak mirni protest u Sarajevu zbog napada izraelske vojske na konvoj koji je dopremao humanitarnu pomoć u Gazu, a u kojem je bio i državljanin BiH Yasser Mohamad Sabbagh. U Ambasadi BiH u Turskoj potvrdili su da Sabbagh nije među povrijeđenim i poginulim …

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