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Dogovorom do ulaska BiH u EU

Predstavnici sedam partija u BiH na jučerašnjem sastanku sa zvaničnicima EU i SAD u Butmiru nisu potpisali nikakav dokument, već su razgovarali o pitanjima važnim za budućnost BiH. Karl Bilt, ministar inostranih poslova Švedske, predsjedavajuće EU, rekao je da odluke koje su potrebne da bi se omogućilo da BiH aplicira …

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Thaci “happy with EC report”

Hashim Thaci says he is not surprised by the European Commissions report stating that “the Serbian government is creating parallel bodies in Kosovo”. According to the Kosovo Albanian government in Priština prime minister, the same report also states that the Kosovo government does not have control “of the entire territory”. …

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Dodik: Foreigners exert pressure

Republic of Srpska (RS) PM Milorad Dodik said that Bosnia-Herzegovina could fall apart if the international community continues pressuring its institutions. Dodik said that the international community is “constantly working on violating the sovereignty of Bosnia and the two entities, as well as their institutions”.

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