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Pres. Tadić at NAM summit in Egypt

BELGRADE President Boris Tadić will take part in the 15th Summit of heads of state and government of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).The gathering will be held in Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh resort on July 15-16.

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Controversial group in Srebrenica incident

SREBRENICA Sarajevo media are reporting that a group of men and women associated with Serbia’s Obraz movement shouted offensive slogans in Srebrenica on Sunday night.

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US Diplomacy Snubbed in Bosnia

On the heels of the latest senior US Congressional delegation visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, yet another diplomatic incident involving senior American officials indicates that US diplomatic efforts in the troubled country are being increasingly snubbed. The US delegation, made of Russ Carnahan (Democrat from Missouri), Mike Turner (Republican from …

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