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Bosnian Serbs defy High Representative Inzko

BANJA LUKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on Tuesday (June 9th) rejected calls by High Representative Valentin Inzko for the RS parliament to withdraw its resolution on transferring powers from the entity to BiH.

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Hague trial resumes against Stanisic, Simatovic

THE HAGUE, Netherlands The long-delayed trial against two former senior Serb security chiefs resumed at the UN war crimes tribunal Tuesday (June 9th), a year after one defendant’s health forced an interruption of the trial.

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Turkish prosecutors seek dismissal of Gul’s case

ANKARA, Turkey The prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday (June 9th) it has asked the justice ministry to dismiss a fraud case against President Abdullah Gul, over missing party funds, media reported.

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