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Brammertz confirms ICTY destroyed evidence of Srebrenica massacre

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) The chief prosecutor of The Hague war crimes tribunal, Serge Brammertz, confirmed on Wednesday (May 6th) that the tribunal has destroyed around 1,000 pieces of evidence from mass graves in the Srebrenica area.

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Leaders urge calm in Georgia

TBILISI The EU and Georgia’s influential Orthodox Church leader urged political forces in the former Soviet republic to step back from the brink yesterday after weeks of protests against the president flared into violence. 

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Bulgaria seeks financing for new nuclear plant

Bulgaria is counting on loans from Russia, Germany and France to build a new four-billion-euro nuclear power plant on the Danube, Deputy Economy and Energy Minister Yavor Kuyumdjiev said Thursday. Funding for the plant, which was due to come from the Bulgarian state and German power giant RWE, was proving …

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