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Greek Cypriots protest controversial acquittals of police officers

NICOSIA, Cyprus Hundreds of Greek Cypriots gathered in Nicosia’s central Eleftheria Square on Saturday (April 25th) to protest the recent acquittals of ten police officers accused of brutally beating two students in December 2005. The citizen movement Alert, which vowed to continue protesting until authorities punish the officers, organised the …

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Chechens living in Georgia request refugee status to return home

GROZNY About 90 Chechens living in Georgia have requested refugee status since January to allow them to return to Chechnya, the head of the Russian republic’s migration department said Tuesday. “Our department has received about 90 applications from Georgian residents requesting visas and other documentation to return to Russia. These …

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Romania takes all measures to ward off swine flu

BUCHAREST All measures suggested by the health ministry have been taken to prevent a possible outbreak of swine flu in Romania, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Dan Nica said on Monday after a meeting of the National Emergency Committee. He told prefects at a videoconference that the institutions with …

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