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Ivanov Leads Elections Polls, Selmani Runner Up

Imer Selmani, the head of the freshly formed New Democracy party has a serious chance of becoming the first ethnic Albanian to ever enter the second round of Macedonia presidential election, the latest opinion poll shows. The presidential candidate of the main ruling VMRO DPMNE party, Georgi Ivanov leads the …

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Macedonia Stages Most Complex Election Ever

The voting process in Macedonia’s presidential and local election to be held on March 22 – with a likely second round on April 5 – will be the most complex ever staged in Macedonia’s democratic history, the head of the State’s Election Commission said on Thursday. The situation will be …

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Somber Anniversary Marks Serbian PM’s Murder

Ministers, friends and former colleagues Thursday paid tribute to Serbia’s first democratically elected prime minister Zoran Djindjic, shot in front of his government’s headquarters exactly six years ago, on March 12. Current Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković, other members of his government, as well as former members of Djindjic’s government plced …

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