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Missing Cessna Found Crashed Near Velebit

Parts of the Cessna plane which went off the radar near Croatia’s Mount Velebit last Thursday were found this morning on the north side of the Vagan Summit, but there was still no information on the pilots. Source: Srdjan Vrsalovic, head of the Mountain Search and Rescue Service’s helicopter …

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Romania Gets New Interior Min, Third This Year

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Wednesday approved the nomination of Dan Nica for the post of Interior Minister, replacing Liviu Dragnea who unexpectedly resigned early this month. Dan Nica, the third Interior Minister this year, is also vice-prime minister in a center-left coalition government. Liviu Dragnea resigned saying the underfunding …

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Kosovo Inaugurates Security Policy Body

Pristina authorities have started procedures to set up the Kosovo Security Council, an advisory body working to preserve Kosovo’s national security and safeguard its sovereignty. The Council, foreseen in the Ahtisaari Plan that is meant to guide Kosovo’s path to full statehood after its secession from Serbia last February, will …

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