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2009, sub semnul crizelor oportune

„Scris în chineză, cuvântul criză este alcătuit din două caractere – unul înseamnă pericol, iar celălalt înseamnă oportunitate”(John Kennedy) Dan Dungaciu Anul 2009 se anunţă unul de criză pentru RM. Dincolo de cele prevăzute – contexte interne pre- şi postelectorale tumultoase, criza financiară globală – au apărut şi altele, …

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U.S. urges Russia to resume gas flow after Ukraine deal

MOSCOW (Reuters) – The United States urged Russia on Sunday to resume pumping gas to Europe through Ukraine at once after finally agreeing a price for 2009 as negotiators worked on a detailed Russian-Ukrainian agreement to be signed Monday. The prime ministers of Ukraine and Russia said they had agreed …

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Price details unclear in murky Russia-Ukraine deal

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Who pays and who profits from Sunday’s apparent agreement on a new gas relationship between Russia and Ukraine? In a normal, commercial world, it should be easy enough to work out. But the complex, opaque nature of the two nations’ gas dealings and the lack of full …

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