The Israeli military will remain in southern Lebanon until a multinational peacekeeping force is deployed in the area, the country’s defence minister said today. Amir Peretz said Israel would control the zone by firing at anyone who enters it.
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‘Bush’s crusade brings terror’
A US-based professor of religion has warned that the world faces a future of “unending terror”, largely fuelled by President George Bush’s preoccupation with punishing the supposed enemies of conservative Christian groups.
Vineri, pe site-ul Camerei DeputaÅ£ilor a fost publicată stenograma ÅŸedinÅ£ei de joi, în care Birourilor Permanente ale celor Două Camere au decis menÅ£inerea în funcÅ£ii a ÅŸefilor de servicii. Din stenogramă reiese că parlamentarii au discutat într-adevăr ÅŸi despre o eventuală suspendare din funcÅ£ie a preÅŸedintelui Traian Băsescu, dar s-au …
Cosmin Guşă, preÅŸedintele PIN ÅŸi un critic observator al preÅŸedintelui, a găsit mai multe puncte slabe în prestaÅ£ia ÅŸefului statului în vizita din Statele Unite. Invitat în emisiunea „Ştirea zileiâ€, Guşă a precizat că atunci când eÅŸti preÅŸedintele unei ţări, trebuie să urmăreÅŸti profit maxim pentru aceasta,
ÃŽn Republica Moldova există o voinţă politică reală de a deveni membru cu drepturi depline al Uniunii Europene. O declaraÅ£ie în acest sens a fost făcută de preÅŸedintele Adunării Parlamentare a Consiliului Europei (APCE), Rene van der Linden, la finele vizitei sale oficiale la ChiÅŸinău. Oficialul APCE a subliniat că, …
Read More »10 Russian Invaders Annihilated by Arab Volonteers in Chechnya
In an article published by the Arabic website of the Chechen Mujahideen, on Friday, July 28.20.06, the Mujahideen state that less than four hours Putin’s announcement of the end of the war in Chechnya, a powerful Russian army battalion met its fatal destiny. The group then claims responsibility for …
Read More »US Army General, Over 34 US Trooops Exterminated in Iraq
The Mujahideen Shura Council in Iraq issued several communiqués on Thursday, July 27, 2006, of which in four, the Mujahideen Shura Council claims responsibility for three suicide bombings in al-Mosul, al-Baghdadi, and Samarra. A suicide bomber detonated his car bomb on July 26 on a combined base of American forces …
Read More »Israel Retreats to Use Smart Bombs?
Israel’s retreat from two strategic Lebanese towns it captured during its ongoing war against Lebanon is a military tactic shell Hizbullah’s bunkers with laser-guided bombs it recently obtained from Washington, a Lebanese military expert said on Friday, July 28.
Read More »Kirkuk drowned in blood: where are peshmarga forces
Coalition forces are directly supporting terrorists, settled Arabs and former Ba’athists By Farhad Muhammad, Govari Gulan, Translated by Dr Kamal Mirawdeli The fire of terrorism has been extended to Kurdistan too. No day passes without tens of citizens becoming the victims of terrorism in Kirkuk, but still the political leadership …
Read More »Opinion: A suggestion for some ministers
Whoever you are, please, just once, ask your bodyguard to leave you alone and spend two hours as a traffic policeman working in the heat. Just spend two hours under the shade that has not been made good.
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