At the onset, 2021 appeared to be another ordinary year, one of unrelenting Israeli occupation and continued Palestinian misery. While much of that remained true, the dynamics of the Israeli occupation of Palestine were challenged by an unprecedented sense of popular unity among Palestinians, not only in the occupied East …
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Russlands neuer Satellit
Man kann dem Kasachstan-Diktator Nursultan Nasarbajew vieles vorwerfen, aber er hat stets auf eine (loyale) Distanz zu Russland geachtet. Sein früherer Außenminister und heute Präsidenten-Strohmann Kassim Tokajew sagte mir einmal in Interview, Kasachstan betrachte die „Eurasische Gemeinschaft“ unter Russlands Führung nur als Wirtschafts- und nicht als politische Union. Damit ist …
Read More »Допустим, в Казахстане боевики. А мы там с какого боку?
Похоже, что и вправду на волне мирных социально-политических протестов в Казахстане кто-то очень могущественный решил воспользоваться ситуацией и ввел в Алма-Ату (допустил появление в Алма-Ате) каких-то бандитов, которые учинили там погром. За ними мог стоять Назарбаев или его люди, чтобы вернуться к полноценной власти, Токаев, чтобы избавиться от Назарбаева, еще …
Read More »Kremlin Fears ‘Color Revolution’ in Kazakhstan
The speed with which Russia dispatched troops this week to help quell violent demonstrations in neighboring Kazakhstan is testimony to the Kremlin’s recurring fear of “color revolutions,” say Western diplomats and analysts. Moscow, they say, must have been horrified by how quickly the protests spread in Kazakhstan, long seen as …
Read More »NATO Foreign Ministers address Russia’s military build-up in and around Ukraine
NATO Foreign Ministers held an extraordinary virtual meeting on Friday (7 January 2022) to discuss Russia’s continued military build-up in and around Ukraine, and the implications for European security. Speaking following the meeting, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, “Russia’s aggressive actions seriously undermine the security order in Europe. NATO …
Read More »US, NATO Warn Russia Against More ‘Gaslighting’ on Ukraine
The United States is accusing Russia of trying to “gaslight” the world regarding tensions with Ukraine, continually seeking to portray Kyiv as the aggressor even as Moscow plans to mobilize as many as 300,000 troops for a potential invasion. The accusation came Friday from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, …
Read More »US not scaling back troop deployments and military exercises in Eastern Europe: White House
The administration of US President Joe Biden has rejected a media report that the US is ready to propose scaling back troop deployments and military exercises in Eastern Europe next week in talks with Russia. Quoting a current Biden administration official and two former American national security officials familiar with …
Read More »US not scaling back troop deployments and military exercises in Eastern Europe: White House
The administration of US President Joe Biden has rejected a media report that the US is ready to propose scaling back troop deployments and military exercises in Eastern Europe next week in talks with Russia. Quoting a current Biden administration official and two former American national security officials familiar with …
Read More »Gunfire Underway in Kazakhstan’s Almaty, Counterterrorist Operation Still Ongoing
According to authorities, initially peaceful protests in Kazakhstan, spurred by a twofold increase in fuel prices on January 1, swiftly devolved into deadly violence, killing at least seven police officers and dozens of attackers. Gunfire is underway in the center of Kazakhstan’s Almaty, and the authorities are conducting a counterterrorist …
Read More »Pakistan Confirms Buying Chinese Jets To Counter India’s Rafale Aircraft
Pakistan’s military confirmed Wednesday it is acquiring multirole J-10 fighter jets from China in response to a buildup of rival India’s air force. “This is a step to upgrade our air force fleet and get the best possible technology available because we know what kind of technology is being acquired …
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