
Beyond Khashoggi: How the US and Saudi Arabia fell out and might ‘reset’

Saudi Arabia only received a bit of credit for its reforms that Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman announced. The US decision to release a declassified intelligence report on the murder of former Saudi Arabia insider Jamal Khashoggi could either represent part of the long-term shift in US-Saudi relations or a …

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What does Biden’s performative rap on Riyadh mean for Israel?

Israeli officials are concerned that increased pressure on the Saudis, will weaken the regional alliance against Iran. The Biden administration’s report on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, released on Friday, is as notable for what is not in it as it is for what is.“We assess that Saudi Arabia’s Crown …

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Health Care and Colonialism: A Sickness Unto Death

Nothing is immune from the stain of colonialism and its associated phenomena of racism. This includes the practice of medicine. Whether one is considering the inequality of medical care between the global north and south, the unevenness of medical care inside imperial nations stemming from those nations’ colonial history, or …

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American Gulag

The U.S. tops any other country in the world for its number of prisoners – over 2,300,000. China, by contrast, has roughly 200,000 prisoners. But the U.S. general population is only 330 million, while China’s is 1.4 billion. American prisoners constitute a much larger percentage of the population than those …

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Latest Houthi attack shows reach of Iran’s power

Saudi Arabia’s media has highlighted that US politicians are concerned a lack of response from the White House may be emboldening the Iranian-backed Houthis. The Iranian-backed Houthi rebel attacks on Saudi Arabia are rocking the Middle East. They recently carried through on threats to launch a major attack on Saudi …

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The tectonics of Middle Eastern geopolitics: Seismic signs in the Caucasus

Throughout 2020, the geopolitics between the Middle East and its northern frontier have converged further. Russia, Turkey, and Iran not only compete for influence (as states and through non-state actors) in core countries of the Middle East and North Africa like Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and beyond in the Gulf. …

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Iran’s cyber future

Iran’s attempts to achieve cyber dominance both within the MENA region and around the world have been well documented, particularly its efforts to spread pro-Iranian messaging and “tell Iran’s story.” This strategy is shaped by the challenging international context facing Tehran, which is suffering economically under U.S. sanctions and largely …

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Fossil fuel subsidies and renewable energies in MENA: An oxymoron?

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region plays a central role in the global oil and natural gas markets. The region is home to more than 52 and 42 percent of global crude oil and natural gas proven reserves, respectively. In the past decade, the region generated 36 and …

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Beyond the elite: Taking protest and public opinion seriously in the Kurdistan Region

In early December 2020, at least eight people were killed and hundreds of others were injured during violent protests in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) sparked by deteriorating economic conditions and the government’s failure to pay public sector salaries. Seven of the dead, including a 13-year-old boy, were killed …

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Russia Is Getting More Than It Bargained For in Libya and Syria

Is Russia’s lucky streak in Syria and Libya finally running out? The Kremlin has gambled big on proxy warfare in both countries, deploying thousands of private military contractors with the so-called Wagner Group to back its favorite strongmen. But after a recent run of misfortunes for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, …

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