
Turkey accuses Greece of harassing research vessel in eastern Mediterranean

The two countries are set for renewed talks over Aegean maritime zones in early March. Turkey accused Greece’s air force of harassing a Turkish research ship in the Aegean Sea this week ahead of renewed talks over the two countries’ ongoing maritime dispute. Turkey’s Defense Ministry said Greek F-16s approached …

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Where is the money? Erdogan feels the heat over foreign reserves drain

Turkey’s government goes on the defensive as the main opposition presses for answers on how the central bank ended up with negative reserves. Turkey’s main opposition has mounted an emphatic campaign calling the government to account on why the central bank burnt through $128 billion in foreign reserves in “back-door” …

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Anwar Al-Bunni: German Court’s Decision to Jail Syrian Regime Ex-Intelligence Officer Is ‘Historic’

Human rights lawyer Anwar al-Bunni described a German court’s decision to jail a former intelligence officer from the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria for four-and-a-half years in jail as historic. Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Bunni said that the officer who was convicted for complicity in crimes against humanity still enjoys …

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Iran border town rattled as security forces kill fuel traders

The Iranian city of Saravan is reeling after security forces shot several unemployed locals who earn a living by trading untaxed fuel across the Pakistani border. Chaotic scenes and furious protests rocked the city of Saravan, in Iran’s impoverished southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, Feb. 23. Videos inundated social media showing …

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Kataib Hezbollah denies role in recent Iraq rocket attacks

The high-profile, Iran-backed militia denied responsibility for attacks on US targets in Iraq. Kataib Hezbollah, one of the largest Iran-backed militias in Iraq, publicly denied any involvement in a recent rocket strike on Erbil International Airport and Baghdad’s Green Zone. “We absolutely did not target Erbil or the Green Zone …

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RAND report advocates development over defense in the Middle East

The report said US policy is outdated and has not led to security in the region. A leading American think tank has released a report urging the US government to prioritize development and good governance in the Middle East over security. The RAND Corporation report says the United States needs …

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US generals head to Tunisia ahead of major military exercise

The Pentagon aims to bolster partnerships in North Africa with the African Lion exercise this summer. Two senior United States Army commanders will arrive in Tunisia on Wednesday to meet with local officials ahead of a planned multinational military exercise in North Africa. Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the commander of all …

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West-East dilemma closes in on Erdogan

As Erdogan teeters between the West and the Russia-China axis, it will be his goal of securing his political future at home that determines which direction he takes. In a span of five days last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered two diametrically opposed messages to Washington, highlighting his …

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As Erdogan finesses Turkey-US ties, Pentagon reiterates stance on S-400s

A Pentagon official urged Ankara to take action over its Russian-made S-400 missile acquisition after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed interest in restoring bilateral ties. As the Turkish government attempts to recalibrate relations with the new US administration under President Joe Biden, its acquisition of Russian-made S-400 missile defense …

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Iraq Calls on Arab League To Restore Syria’s Membership

Iraq has argued that Syria should be reinstated to the Arab League, writes Al-Masdar. Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein, stressed the need to return Syria to its seat in the Arab League while noting that this would achieve the principle of integration in Arab work and coordination. The Iraqi minister …

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