Eurasia News

France, Algeria to increase security cooperation

Algerian Minister of Interior and Local Governments Tayeb Belaiz met his French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve here on Thursday to discuss security cooperation. The discussions covered “all issues relating to security and training as well as the movement of people,” Algeria Press Service (APS) quoted Belaiz as saying after the meeting. …

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Pakistan army launch operation after Peshawar attack

Pakistan army retaliated to the the deadly Taliban attack at Peshawar school by killing 57 militants in massive airstrikes in the Khyber tribal region where the suicide bombers were reportedly trained. The army launched 20 airstrikes yesterday on several Taliban hideouts in Tirah valley area of Khyber tribal region which …

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Sharif toughens stand after Peshawar massacre

With the death toll in the Peshawar army school massacre rising to 148 overnight, Pakistan yesterday turned over a new leaf in its approach to terrorism. Mr. Sharif swore that politicians would bury their differences and unite to defeat terrorism. Their meeting came as a photograph of the men who …

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Kerry says sanctions depend on Putin’s right choices in Ukraine

US and European sanctions against Russia could be lifted within days if President Vladimir Putin makes the right choices in Ukraine, top US diplomat John Kerry said Tuesday. While he praised what he called “constructive moves in the last days” by Russia, he warned the future of the country’s economy …

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Merkel, Putin, Hollande discuss Ukraine over telephone

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conference Wednesday with the leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine to discuss creating a lasting peace in Ukraine, Russia’s neighbor to the west, according to the Kremlin’s official website. Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shared …

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Egypt urges Iraq to restore relations with neighbors

Egypt has valued “positive” steps taken by Iraq on internal and external arenas to successfully restoring security and peace in some parts of the country, calling the Iraqi government to continue these steps for full restoration of ties with neighboring countries. Egypt condemns all forms of terrorism committed by the …

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Malian FM says parties are closer to an agreement

Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulay Diop said the different Malian parties “are not far from an agreement,” calling those parties to do a “maximum” effort to bring peace process in Mali to a successful conclusion. “It is the last 100 meters and each of us should make a maximum effort to …

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UK reopens embassy in Cairo

The British embassy in Cairo said on Tuesday it has resumed services to the public, nine days after they were suspended over security concerns about the mission’s main building. The Canadian embassy next to the British embassy, which also suspended services, remains shut to the public.

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