
US Appeals To Albanians To Apply For New IDs

The US Ambassador in Tirana, John L Withers, on Monday appealed to Albanian citizens from the town of Berat to apply for new identity cards so they can vote in the June 28 parliamentary elections. The appeal follows a similar call made last week by the head of the OSCE …

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Serbia Funds Road Paving in Kosovo

Serbia’s government is funding a new construction project in Kosovo, paving a road in the southern Brezovica ski resort. Brezovica is located in the municipality of Shterpce, which is home to a significant Serb minority. The Kosovo daily Express reported that Serbia’s ministry of economy and finance had set aside …

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Serbia Claims Victory At Islamic Conference

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said a resolution proposed by Saudi Arabia calling on Islamic countries to recognise Kosovo had not been accepted at the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Damascus. “Syria, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Algeria and some other countries submitted amendments to that proposal so that the …

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Konačno deblokada

Author: Mirza Čubro Rad Vijeća ministara BiH bio je blokiran cijelih sedam dana. Građani BiH sa zebnjom su iščekivali kada će članovi Vijeća ministara prestati s inatom i vratiti se poslu. Sedmodnevna blokada rada Vijeća ministara BiH, sada je to već evidentno, imat će nesagledive posljedice po cjelokupni proces reformi …

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Bolest ih spasava od robije

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Nihad Vlahovljak, bivši pripadnik Armije RBiH, čija je presuda od 13 godina zatvora zbog ratnih zločina nad hrvatskim civilima u selu Grabovica postala pravosnažna u oktobru prošle godine, do 1. juna ove godine sigurno neće biti upućen na izdržavanje kazne jer je bolestan. “Nihad Vlahovljak …

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Savjet ministara deblokirao rad

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH nastavilo je jučer protekle sedmice prekinutu sjednicu, ali ponovno nije postignut dogovor o nastavku izbora direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH (DEI). Predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić pojasnio je da blokadi izbora direktora DEI ne želi dodavati i zaustavljanje rada Vijeća ministara. …

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Kosovo’s Parliamentarians Applaud Biden

Vice President Joseph Biden during a special session at Kosovo’s parliament, during which President Fatmir Sejdiu decorated him with the Medal of Liberty for his contribution towards securing his country’s independence. “I want to thank you for one of the greatest honours in my career, the Medal of Liberty,” said …

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Kosovo Greets Biden With Warmth, Affection

US Vice President Joseph Biden touched down in Kosovo Thursday, to a rapturous welcome from a people grateful for US support in their struggle for independence. Large billboards saying “Welcome Vice President and Thank you” lined Pristina’s streets in anticipation of his arrival. US flags, along with the new Kosovo …

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