
Scheffer Pessimistic on Macedonia Dispute

The outgoing NATO chief Jaap De Hoop Scheffer is not optimistic about a quick settlement to the name row between Skopje and Athens. “I must add, openly and frankly, that after a visit I paid to Skopje last week, my optimism has not grown, in listening to the authorities in …

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Macedonia PM Asks For French Support

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy this Friday to lobby for Paris’s support for his country’s EU aspirations. At the meeting, originally set for Thursday, but delayed due to the Government’s plane malfunction, Gruevski is expected to reiterate that that Macedonia has completed its part …

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Work of Bosnian State Government Suspended

Work of the Bosnian and Herzegovina state government, the Council of Ministers, has been suspended until further notice, due to the ongoing disputes over which ethnic group will nominate the country’s new top negotiator with the EU, media reported on Friday. “The Council of Ministers will not hold sessions until …

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Blokada dok ne budu riješena imenovanja

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH neće zasjedati dok se ne riješi problem imenovanja direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH. “Prekinuli smo sjednicu tokom rasprave o imenovanju direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH. Dva člana Komisije za izbor direktora ove direkcije, koji dolaze iz bošnjačkog naroda, podnijela su ostavke. …

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Živković: Potrebno anketirati građane, Džaferović: Ne igrajte se integritetom BiH

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Predstavničkog doma parlamenta BiH Milorad Živković na jučerašnjoj sjednici predložio je pa potom povukao inicijativu za anketiranje građana BiH o “želji, volji i spremnosti da žive zajedno”. “Postoje prevelika očekivanja od ustavnih promjena u BiH, što nas čini nemoćnima da ih napravimo. Potrebno je …

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Croatia Must Take Slovene Amendments Seriously

Slovene President Danilo Tuerk said on Thursday that Croatia has to “take Slovene amendments to Rehn`s arbitrage proposal seriously, because the European Union expansion commissioner has not proposed a final document to both countries which could not be altered”. – I would like Croatia to start listening to Slovene views. …

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Refused: Dalmatia And Istria In EU, Croatia Not

Slovene government has officially turned down the proposal of nationalist leader Zmago Jelincic to advocate the entry of Croatian regions Istria and Dalmatia to the European Union. The Slovene cabinet stated that these were “counties, not countries in question” and that the EU does not allow association of regions based …

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Slovenian Government Adopts Amendments to Proposal

Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor said on Thursday that the Slovenian government adopted amendments to EU’s enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn’s last proposal on solving the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia through arbitration. – As expected, today we formulated and adopted amendments to commissioner Rehn’s proposal and we will send …

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Serbs start repairing homes in Mitrovica

PRISTINA, Kosovo Serbs in a northern Mitrovica neighbourhood started rebuilding five houses Wednesday (May 13th), closely monitored by EULEX officials. The situation seems to be calm, in contrast to periods over the past two weeks, when Serbs had protested repairs to homes owned by ethnic Albanians situated in the Serb …

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