
Iran nuclear deal back in play after EU envoy’s visit

Multiple sources in Iran say Mora left Tehran with ‘more than suggestions’ for a revival of the deal, while both sides may have moved on from differences. While in Tehran last week, the European Union’s chief nuclear negotiator, Enrique Mora, meeting with senior Iranian officials, may have given the Iran …

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On Asia trip, Biden says he would be willing to use force if China invades Taiwan

President Joe Biden, speaking Monday during his first visit presidential visit to Japan, signaled an apparent end to the U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity by saying the United States would defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion. “Yes,” Biden replied when asked by a reporter in Tokyo if he was willing …

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Putin Wants to Keep Fighting. Who Will Fill the Ranks?

Moscow has to figure out how to replenish unprecedented losses in just under three months of fighting. As Russian forces continue to take significant battlefield losses in Ukraine, the Kremlin is struggling to plug the gap as Russian President Vladimir Putin remains reluctant to call for a full-scale military mobilization. …

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Russia Is a Real Threat to NATO

Despite its failings, the Russian military is still a powerful force. Recent events in Ukraine have once again proved that reports of NATO’s death are an exaggeration. Many leaders across the alliance have been quick to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with aid to Kyiv, increases in their own …

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Якщо не розблокувати українські порти, жертв голоду може виявитися більше, ніж постраждалих від російських куль і снарядів

Травнева обкладинка журналу The Economist з анонсом глобальної продовольчої катастрофи. Уперше за багато десятиліть мільйони людей можуть залишитися без їжі не через стихійні лиха та посуху, а через неможливість вивезти вже зібраний урожай. Ще вчора це було лише нашою проблемою, тепер це може торкнутися всієї планети. Річ у тім, що …

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Iran Revolutionary Guard colonel is shot dead in Tehran

A senior member of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard was killed outside his home in Tehran on Sunday by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike, state TV reported. Although the Guard gave only scant detail about the attack that occurred in broad daylight in the heart of Iran’s capital, the group blamed …

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The Ukraine War Threatens Asia’s Regional Architecture

In 2022, there will be great interest in Asia’s summit season because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The annual East Asia Summit, ASEAN and APEC meetings always attract attention due to the proximity of many world leaders, but the less glamorous work of the multilateral mechanisms goes on throughout the …

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Putin’s Regime Is Bad: What Comes After Could Be Worse

As Russia continues to wage its war in Ukraine, several Western leaders have openly hinted at their wish to see Russian president Vladimir Putin go. US president Joe Biden declared on 26 March that Putin “cannot remain in power”, while UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesperson said on 1 March …

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The World After Ukraine’s Invasion

Just as the world appeared to be on its way out of the health crisis caused by the pandemic, with societies returning to normalcy, the Russian invasion of Ukraine dashed all hopes of the world getting better again (and lately, COVID-19 has been resurging as well). This war is set …

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Spain’s Policy Shift On Western Sahara

Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, was to have a referendum when the Spaniards chose to leave in 1975. The people of Western Sahara were to choose between independence or integration with Morocco. Due to the complex interplay of factors, the referendum could not take place and the region was …

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