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The Development Of Russia’s Hybrid War Doctrine

Abstract: The Russo-Ukrainian war has shown that the Russian Hybrid War Doctrine, in its real essence, is not about military technology at all – it is a collection of covert special operations. This war is regional in terms of territory but not in terms of its influence on global geopolitics …

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Jewish settlers, paving the way for West Bank annexation

Israeli settlers are escalating state-sanctioned violence and annexation ambitions in the occupied West Bank, exploiting the world’s distraction with the war on Gaza to legalize outposts, land-grab, and advance ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. While the world’s attention has been diverted to Tel Aviv’s relentless military offensive in Gaza, the Israeli …

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Will Turkiye move to scuttle Israeli–Cypriot cooperation?

The growing military collaboration between Israel and Cyprus has intensified Turkiye’s security concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean. Will this trigger Ankara to beef up its military footprint in Northern Cyprus, following similar observations and warnings by Lebanon’s Hezbollah? Israel’s relentless military onslaught against civilians in Gaza has not only embroiled …

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How western Big Tech giants enable Israel’s occupation

Hewlett Packard, Motorola, and other western tech conglomerates have been deeply involved in providing the technological infrastructure that supports Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism. This is how they profit from the oppression of Palestinians. On 10 July, Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported that 46,000 Israeli businesses have been forced to shut …

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Saudi support for Israel will not go unpunished by Yemen

Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi has upped the ante, threatening Riyadh with huge economic and military consequences if the Saudis continue to align with US policies and support the occupation state. In a strategically-timed message to the Saudi rulers, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Ansarallah movement, warned …

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