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Afghanistan’s bloody new year

BBC News – The Taleban have threatened that hundreds of suicide bombers will attack the Afghan government and foreign military targets this year. Mark Dummett reports from Kabul on the increasing fear of violence in the country. It seems as if the Taleban’s much-hyped spring offensive may have finally begun, …

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Taliban seeks exchange for aid workers

By NOOR KHAN, Associated Press A purported Taliban statement demanded the release of a number of the group’s fighters and the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan in exchange for the freedom of two kidnapped French aid workers. Separately, suspected Taliban militants ambushed a police patrol in eastern Afghanistan in …

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Iran’s N. Official Leaves for Moscow

Deputy Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) Ahmad Fayyaz-Bakhsh left Tehran for Moscow at the head of a delegation to finalize issues pertaining to the delivery of nuclear fuel to Iran’s first nuclear power plant in the southern province of Bushehr.

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