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Women demand apology over vote violence

CAIRO (AFP) — Egyptian women have launched two separate initiatives, one calling on citizens to wear black clothes and the other a white ribbon, to protest the assault of several women during last week’s referendum. Female activists protesting against the nature of the constitutional referendum submitted to Egyptians on May …

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Rafsanjani pledges ‘interactive’ diplomacy

TEHRAN (AFP) — Leading Iranian presidential candidate Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani released his election manifesto on Monday, promising a “interactive and constructive diplomacy” but without mentioning relations with the United States. In a 24-page “pact with the people,” the top cleric also vowed to “effectively” defend human rights, improve freedom of …

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Rival factions fight for key town

MOGADISHU (Reuters) — Rival Somali factions armed with truck-mounted machineguns fought on Monday for control of a town where President Abdullahi Yusuf plans to set up a temporary capital, killing and wounding several people, residents said. Hundreds of militiamen attacked the southern town of Baidoa at about 3:45am (0045 GMT) …

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Statul Palestina

” Statul Palestina are o suprafaţă de 27 009 Km pătraÅ£i, fiind situată în inima Orientului Mijlociu ÅŸi se învecinează cu Libanul în Nord, Egiptul în Sud, Siria ÅŸi Iordania în Est, iar la Vest este mărginită de Marea Mediterană. Statul palestinian are o populaÅ£ie de 7.500.000 de locuitori atât …

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