

The fresh crisis in Moscow’s relations with the West is having a ripple effect in many countries and regions – including in the Balkans and Central Europe – where Russian and Western interests collide. In his first foreign policy speech, new US President Joe Biden summarized his international agenda in …

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Sanction the Axis of Mercenary and Terrorist Evil: Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia

Azerbaijan deployed thousands of mercenaries in last year’s 44-day war that it and Turkey waged against Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia. Azerbaijan thereby flagrantly violated the UN’s International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (UNMERC) which it signed in 1997. Forty-six countries have signed UNMERC including Belgium, Cyprus, …

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Debunking Biden’s foreign policy“reset”

DURING his first week in office, US President Joe Biden signed at least 44 executive actions, orders, proclamations and memorandums. He rejoined the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Paris climate agreement, and repealed the Trump administration’s ban on travellers from Muslim-majority and African countries, including Libya, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria, …

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Pentagon top brass gear up for US future strategies in the region

Delegations to Tunisia, Egypt and Oman explore AFRICOM and CENTCOM roles in their areas of operations. Senior US military officials are visiting countries in North Africa and the Gulf region to update their take on realities on the ground and help shape President Joe Biden’s vision for promoting US interests …

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Biden’s CIA nominee stresses China over Iran during Senate hearing

Ambassador William Burns said that China is the biggest challenge for the United States, but that Iran and Russia cannot be overlooked. CIA Director nominee William Burns said Iran cannot be overlooked, but advocated for a focus on China during his nomination hearing Wednesday. Burns, who was nominated for the …

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Iranian forces form new groups to boost influence in east Syria

The Fatemiyoun Brigade and the Iranian militias have beefed up their presence in Deir ez-Zor province in eastern Syria by bringing in more Syrian elements into their ranks and intensifying their religious, military and cultural activities in order to expand and preserve their interests. Iranian forces and affiliated militias in …

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Netanyahu’s friendship with Putin benefits Israel, but has limits

Moscow played a central role in the release of the Israeli woman who crossed the border into Syria, but might prove less helpful on Iranian entrenchment in Syria or the Palestinian issue. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prides himself of his close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Last week, …

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Authorities in northeast Syria struggle to impose Kurdish curriculum

The Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has been sanctioning private schools and institutes in its areas of control in northeast Syria and arresting teachers for not following the Kurdish curriculum in their educational systems. The education crisis has been exacerbating in the areas under the control of …

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CENTCOM chief warns Iran over strikes on Erbil, Saudi Arabia

Gen. Kenneth “‘Frank” McKenzie warned Iran in the boldest statement yet from the Biden administration over the attacks. The top commander of US military forces in the Middle East issued a subtle but unmistakable warning to Iran today over recent projectile attacks on Iraq’s Kurdistan region and Saudi Arabia. CENTCOM …

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