
President Basescu: 15 000 incompetent civil servants in Romania will be sacked

Romanian president Traian Basescu told his country during a television address in the evening of August 5 that between 10 000 and 15 000 public servants will lose their jobs. In the address, he stressed that as much as 20 per cent of the public sector will be trimmed in …

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Macedonian court sentence sparks row with Bulgaria

Skopje/Sofia – A diplomatic row over a prison sentence Macedonia handed to a Bulgarian national could signal growing ethnic tensions and further burden Skopje’s already stalled bid to join the EU and NATO, media said Thursday in both countries. Macedonia recently sentenced 23-year-old mother-of-two Spaska Mitrova to three months in …

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Sejdiu calls on Serbs to participate in Kosovo elections

During a visit to two villages in the Leposavich municipality on August 5, Kosovo president Fatmir Sejdiu called on Serbs to participate in local elections, Bulgarian news agency quoted Tanyug agency as saying. Serb participation would contribute to a better future for the republic, Sejdiu was quoted as saying.

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Islamic Leader’s Kosovo Visit Sparks Controversy

A three-day visit to Kosovo by the influential leader of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mustafa Ceric, is proving controversial Describing the visit as promoting the “destabilisation of the region”, Milorad Dodik, the premier of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska entity, stressed that Bosnia has not recognised Kosovo’s independence.

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Serbian Minister: Conditions Not Right for KFOR Withdrawal

Citing current conditions, Serbia’s minister for Kosovo and Metohija, Goran Bogdanovic, argues that Kosovo Force, KFOR, should not be reduced. For the first time in ten years, NATO has made extensive cuts to its peacekeeping forces in Kosovo and Metohija, with KFOR reduced from 44,000 to 13,849 troops, daily Politika …

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US-Backed Bosnian Command Centre Opens

A modern defence operations centre has been opened in Sarajevo, thanks to the US provision of $5 million in funding. Local media reports that the facility will function as a military command and control centre and can also be utilised in the event of natural disasters. The opening of the …

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PL doreşte ca viitoarea coaliţie de guvernământ să se numească “Alianţa pentru Integrarea Europeană”

Liderul Partidului Liberal, Mihai Ghimpu a declarat miercuri, în cadrul unei conferinţe de presă, că negocierile cu celelalte trei partide necomuniste cu privire la formarea unei coaliţii de guvernămant, „merg lent, dar bine”. Ghimpu a refuzat să anunţe un termen-limită pentru finalizarea convorbirilor, dar a spus că acestea urmează să …

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PCRM susţine că este gata să se retragă în opoziţie

Partidul Comuniştilor din Republica Moldova (PCRM) se declară gata să treacă în opoziţie dacă nu va reuşi să formeze o coaliţie cu alte forţe politice, potrivit unui comunicat de presă al PCRM. Potrivit comunicatului, liderul partidului, Vladimir Voronin, a declarat că, în caz contrar, PCRM ar putea trece în opoziţie”.

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