
Turkey Getting US Intelligence on Kurds

The U.S. acknowledged Wednesday it has undertaken military moves against Kurdish rebels in Iraq after asserting for weeks that their strikes in Turkey were a diplomatic matter. Pentagon officials are now starting to say publicly that

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Musharraf faces up to an emergency

KARACHI – With Admiral William J Fallon, US commander of CENTCOM, due in Pakistan on Thursday to finalize collaboration on pressing issues concerning the “war on terror” in Pakistan and Afghanistan, besides addressing the tension over Iran, top decision-makers in Islamabad are in a quandary. The issue is

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Russia determined to keep tactical nuclear arms for potential aggressors

Tactical nuclear weapons will remain in the arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces, a top Defense Ministry official, Colonel-General Vladimir Verkhovtsev said. “The situation that we have on our southern borders is quite complicated. We border on nuclear powers. That is why Russia’s possession

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Andrei Lugovoy and his business partner Dmitry Kovtun have been holding a press conference in Moscow

Andrei Lugovoy, the ex-KGB bodyguard turned businessman, accused in the United Kingdom of killing ex-Russian security service officer Alexander Litvinenko, and his business partner Dmitry Kovtun have been holding a press conference in Moscow today. Lugovoy announced during the press conference that he and his relatives fell under “nuclear terrorism”

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Oil Prices Support Russian Economy

As oil prices surged to another record ($93.56 per barrel), energy analysts said Russia has become a critical player in the world oil and gas market. Richard Herold is director of international affairs of the London-based oil multinational, BP, which has large investments in Russia.

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Communists propose to elect Ukrainian president by the parliament

Ukrainian Communist Party leader Pyotr Simonenko plans to propose constitutional amendments to the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, in accordance with which Ukrainian president is to be elected by the parliament. Simonenko’s statement was released today by the Communist Party press office, a REGNUM correspondent informs.   

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