Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday that “opposition and democratic forces” had won the snap parliamentary elections in neighbouring Moldova. Bucharest was waiting expectantly on the results of Wednesday’s Moldovan election, which could help determine whether the former-Soviet republic remains in Russia’s orbit.
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Raport de mandate: Opoziţia-53, PCRM-48
După procesarea a 100% a buletinelor de vot, neoficial, raportul de mandate este următorul: PCRM-48 mandate PLDM- 18 mandate PL-15 mandate PD-13 mandate AMN-7 mandate
Read More »Mingea este acum în terenul Bruxellesului
„În prezent UE, ştiind relaţiile noastre complicate cu România, numeşte un cetăţean român la conducerea grupului de monitorizare a alegerilor noastre. Este o provocare directă la adresa noastră”. (29 iulie – Vladimir Voronin în dialog cu jurnaliştii ruşi) Anul 2009 devine începutul sfârşitului tranziţiei post-sovietice în RM. Sau poate să …
Read More »Communist rout puts spotlight on obscure Moldova
CHISINAU, Moldova It may be the most enigmatic corner of Europe: a hardscrabble communist holdout run by a dour president who still keeps a bust of Lenin on his desk. “Europe’s largest illegal duty-free shop,” a diplomat once called Moldova, known for rampant trafficking in arms, drugs, cigarettes and sex. …
Read More »Poll victory for Moldova opposition sours
MOLDOVA An electoral victory for Moldova’s opposition parties over the ruling Communists soured on Thursday as doubts emerged that the fragmented opposition could band together to appoint a new president. The vote in Europe’s poorest country was a re-run of an election three months ago, which ended in violence after …
Read More »Vladimir Voronin: PCRM a obţinut o victorie sigură
Partidul Comuniştilor din R. Moldova (PCRM) este disponibil pentru un dialog principial şi cointeresat cu toate forţele politice reprezentate în parlamentul nou ales. Declaraţia aparţine preşedintelui PCRM, Vladimir Voronin, formulată într-o adresare către alegători.
Read More »Dorin Chirtoacă: Dacă alegerile erau libere şi corecte PCRM nu acumula mai mult de 25-30%
„Nu putem spune că aceste alegeri au fost libere şi corecte în condiţiile în care campania electorală a fost una plină de fraude, care au persistat chiar şi în ziua alegerilor, PCRM neglijând regulile de joc. Dar chiar şi aşa, opoziţia a învins, iar PCRM nu mai are nici o …
Read More »Albanian Religious Leaders Slam Gay Marriage Law
Albania’s religious leaders said Thursday that they rejected a government proposal to extend marriage rights to gay couples. Speaking to local daily Gazeta Shqiptare, the head of Albania’s Muslim community, Shkelqim Muca, rejected the proposal, arguing that, in his community’s view, gay marriage was unacceptable.
Read More »Bosnia’s Envoy Lifts Mostar Budget Siege
Bosnia’s top international representative has imposed an interim resolution on squabbling Mostar political factions, establishing the basis for the temporary financing of public services and sanctioning city councillors. High Representative Valentin Inzko’s decision provides much-needed breathing space for Mostar citizens and funds for public services and communal companies which have …
Read More »Kosovo Issue Unclear to Arabs
Local analysts and legislators and academics from the Arab states agree that their nations should pursue improved relations, with Kosovo proffering informition on its history and reasons for declaring independence. These were the findings of a conference held at the Club for Foreign Policy (KPJ), in Pristina on Wednesday.
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