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Afghans protest deaths in U.S.-led raid

By RAHIM FAIEZ, Associated Press A U.S.-led raid Sunday on a suspected militant cell killed as many as six Afghans — including a woman and a teenage girl — and spawned protests by hundreds of angry Afghans chanting “Death to Bush!” The U.S. said four militants were among the dead, …

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Tehran Condemns Barrier Walling in Baghdad

Iran-Iraq parliamentary friendship group in a statement released here on Monday strongly condemned construction of a partitioning wall in Baghdad by occupying troops, saying that the measure is in line with Israel’s failed plots for sowing religious and ethnic discord in Iraq.

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Islamic Republic Seeks Expansion of Justice

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on government to regulate laborer-investor relations in a proper manner and remove the two sides’ feeling of insecurity to pave the way for the country’s economic prosperity through increased investment and value added.

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