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Eye on Eurasia: Future of Caucasus

TALLINN, Estonia — Moscow no longer has any “rational basis” for keeping the non-Russian republics of the Northern Caucasus within the Russian Federation, according to a Moscow commentator, but “neither the Russian government nor Russian public opinion is yet prepared” to allow them to become independent.

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Teodor Atanasiu, ministrul Apărarii, a declarat într-o emisiune televizată că nu exclude posibilitatea amplasării în România a unei baze sau a unui scut antirachetă al Statelor Unite. Programul de apărare antirachetă constă într-un sistem de detectare ÅŸi de distrugere a oricărei rachete cu rază lungă de acÅ£iune. Teodor Atanasiu a …

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Una dintre victimele atentatului sinucigaÅŸ comis, luni, la Tel Aviv, o femeie din Baia Mare, le spunea cunoÅŸtinÅ£elor că nu îi este teamă să plece în Israel, deoarece, dacă îi este scris să moară, i se poate întâmpla ÅŸi în România.  Băimăreanca Rozalia Besenyei, în vârstă de 47 de ani, a …

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Premierul Călin Popescu Tăriceanu a declarat marÅ£i, la TimiÅŸoara, că Strategia de securitate naÅ£ională are “o mare deficienţă”, fiind evidentă “lipsa unei concepÅ£ii de bază” a documentului. Tăriceanu a susÅ£inut că documentul ar fi putut să fie îmbunătăţit, pornind de la definirea interesului naÅ£ional.

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U.S. and the Allies of Evil’s next target–Iran

It has become increasingly obvious over the past few months that the U.S. government and its military-industrial cohorts, bogged down by insurgency in Iraq and desperately in need of a “victory”, insensibly think that they can bomb, and possibly even nuke, Iran – a civilization far older and richer than …

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Iran’s President: Israel serious threat to Islamic world

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that Israel posed a serious threat to the Islamic world, Reuters reported.    Speaking at a pro-Palestinian conference in Tehran to rally support from Islamic states for the cash-strapped Hamas-led Palestinian Authority, Ahmadinejad said that “the Zionist regime is an injustice and by …

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Tel Aviv bomber kills 9

TEL AVIV (AP) — A Palestinian suicide bomber struck a packed fast-food restaurant in Tel Aviv during the Jewish holiday of Passover on Monday, killing nine people and wounding dozens in the deadliest bombing in more than a year.

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