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Iran Update, July 17, 2024

Iranian-backed Iraqi militias appear to have resumed their attack campaign targeting US forces in Iraq. Iranian-backed Iraqi militias launched two one-way attack drones targeting US and coalition forces at Ain al Asad Airbase in Anbar Province, Iraq on July 16, according to two Iraqi militia “officials” cited by Western media.[i] …

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The Case for Inclusive Alliances

America Must Rediscover the Ideological Flexibility That Helped It Win the Cold War “It is clear, absolutely clear,” said Joe Biden, speaking about today’s key geopolitical contest at his first press conference as president, “that this is a battle between the utility of democracies in the twenty-first century and autocracies.” …

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The Palestinian Authority Is Collapsing

Helping It Recover Is the Only Way to Save the Two-State Solution Since April, nine countries—Armenia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Ireland, Jamaica, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, and Trinidad and Tobago—have formally recognized the state of Palestine. Belgium, Luxembourg, and Malta have hinted that they may soon follow suit. So has the United …

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The European Green Deal: Consensus Or Conflict? – OpEd

My previous article was about the potential impacts of the outcomes of the European Parliament elections, held in early June, on energy and climate policies on this continent. The results were seen as a new victory for the far-right, which has long been on the rise in Europe. Although centre-right …

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