
How Islamic State returned to haunt civilians in northeast Syria

Remnants and cells of the Islamic State have recently increased their attacks against the Syrian Democratic Forces and civilians in the areas under the SDF control in northeast Syria. The provinces of Deir ez-Zor, Hasakah and Raqqa, and the Manbij area in the countryside of Aleppo, which are under the …

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Libyan interior minister says he survived assassination attempt

The security force involved in Fathi Bashagha’s motorcade collision dispute the claim, saying the interior minister’s men fired on them. Fathi Bashagha, interior minister for eastern Libya’s United Nations-recognized government, allegedly survived an assassination attempt on Thursday, sources in his office told multiple news outlets. Bashagha’s motorcade reportedly came under …

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Erik Prince violated Libya arms embargo, UN report alleges

The Blackwater founder and associates sought to buy helicopter gunships from Jordan to aid Libyan warlord Khalifa Hifter’s assault on Tripoli, investigators believe. Blackwater founder and prominent Donald Trump campaign donor Erik Prince is accused of violating the United Nations’ arms embargo on Libya by working with a team of …

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Iran begins restricting short-notice nuclear inspections

Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif tweeted that Iran has halted its implementation of the Additional Protocol. Iran has begun restricting inspections of its nuclear facilities by the global atomic watchdog, the Iranian foreign minister said Tuesday. A law passed by Iran’s hard-liner-dominated parliament in December called for stopping the country’s …

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In Syria’s Deir ez-Zor, SDF conscription ‘severs livelihoods’

The Syrian Democratic Forces’ recent campaign to conscript youth for military service is compounding economic hardship in Deir ez-Zor province, one of the poorest areas of Syria. In villages where the campaign is most active, young men are staying home for fear of arrest, forgoing daily wages and delaying grocery …

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Gantz: If Hezbollah attacks, all of Lebanon will sadly suffer

Among the topics discussed in his visit were the threats being posed by Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies that have stationed themselves along Israel’s borders with Lebanon and Syria. Defense Minister Benny Gantz spoke about the ongoing threats posed by Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon in a Tuesday visit to the …

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Ex-IDF generals, top Mossad officials urge Biden’s return to Iran deal

Former senior defense officials express support for Biden’s position not to lift Iran sanctions unless it returns to 2015 deal A group of former top officials from Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission, the IDF and the Mossad sent a letter on Monday to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressing support for a …

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Ex-US intel chief: US needs tougher laws to address domestic terrorism

Ex-Shin Bet official: PM should not make calls on foreign digital influence. Congress needs to pass new and tougher laws against domestic terrorism following the January 6 Capitol building riots, former US director of national intelligence James Clapper said Tuesday.

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Russia Returns To Ayn Issa Only Hours After Withdrawing

Russia has made territorial gains against the SDF, recapturing areas near Ayn Issa in northeastern Syria, writes Asharq Al-Awsat. On Monday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that it documented the killing of three members of the Suleiman Shah faction, loyal to Turkey, in addition to the wounding of …

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