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Baghdad car bomb kills 66

BAGHDAD (AP) — A huge car bomb exploded Saturday at a bustling outdoor market in a Shiite district of Baghdad, killing at least 66 people and injuring about 100 in the deadliest attack since the new national unity government took office six weeks ago.

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Israel on alert after warning to Syria

Israeli warplanes overflow Syrian President’s palace in northern Syria, sparking Damascus retaliation. By Jennie Matthew – JERUSALEM Israel was on high alert Thursday for possible retaliation after it threatened to kill Hamas militants harboured by the Damascus regime and flew warplanes over Syria’s presidential palace.

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Israel arrests Hamas ministers

Body of Jewish settler abducted by gunmen found in West Bank as Israel turns up heat on Hamas. By Nasser Abu Bakr – RAMALLAH, West Bank Israel arrested Hamas ministers and stepped up its Gaza offensive Thursday, ratcheting up pressure on the Palestinians over the kidnapping of a soldier that …

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