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Jewish Settlers Aggressions Against Al Aqsa

Fanatic Zionist groups intensified their desecrating assaults on the Aqsa Mosque, especially with the advent of the Jewish Passover feast, as big numbers of Israeli settlers and foreign nationals were seen strolling in the Aqsa plazas under heavy IOF guards without paying any respect to the sanctity of the place. For …

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7 invaders eliminated in Itum-Kali district

According to spokesman of Military Council Majlisul Shura of CRI, on April 17, during the combat operations the mobile squad of Mujahideen has attacked formations of kafirs in the district of Horsenoy village. During the gun battle 7 kafirs were eliminated and a few wounded. After the gun battle Russian …

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G8 Summit: Russia to Propose Europe a Capitulation

At the July G8 Summit the Kremlin is going to present its “particular initiative of energy security”. It refers to a proposal to create a vast Russian-German-Italian gas corporate group which will help Moscow to establish a “new order” in Europe. On the other hand, Russia hopes to finally bury …

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Leader Underscores Military Prowess

TEHRAN, April 19–Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday the sine qua non for the country’s advancement is placing hope in the future. Ayatollah Khamenei, who was receiving senior army commanders, added that such a spirit will lead to creativity.

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Ahmadinejad to Oil Exporters

Reduce Price Pressure On Weak Countries OPEC Fund Proposed TEHRAN, April 19–President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday emphasized that despite the hike in oil prices in recent years, the real price has not been achieved and urged oil exporters to reduce the pressure of price hike on weak countries. Addressing the …

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Iran Says Army Can Fend Off Any Attack

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the remarks on Tuesday to commemorate Army Day.    “Today, you are among the world’s most powerful armies because you rely on God,” Ahmadinejad told military officers before a parade of the armed forces in southern Tehran.

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Eye on Eurasia: Future of Caucasus

TALLINN, Estonia — Moscow no longer has any “rational basis” for keeping the non-Russian republics of the Northern Caucasus within the Russian Federation, according to a Moscow commentator, but “neither the Russian government nor Russian public opinion is yet prepared” to allow them to become independent.

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Teodor Atanasiu, ministrul Apărarii, a declarat într-o emisiune televizată că nu exclude posibilitatea amplasării în România a unei baze sau a unui scut antirachetă al Statelor Unite. Programul de apărare antirachetă constă într-un sistem de detectare ÅŸi de distrugere a oricărei rachete cu rază lungă de acÅ£iune. Teodor Atanasiu a …

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