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Iran defiant in face of Security Council threat

TEHRAN (AP) — Iran’s president stood fast Saturday behind his decision to conduct uranium enrichment research, shrugging off threats of international sanctions, while his foreign ministry invited Europe and the UN nuclear watchdog back to the negotiating table. In a ringing defence of Iran’s resumption Tuesday of research at its …

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No word on kidnapped US journalist

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi and US officials said Saturday they were working to free a female American journalist kidnapped off a Baghdad street one week ago but had not yet made contact with her captors. Jill Caroll, a 28-year-old freelance reporter, has not been heard from since she was kidnapped …

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Saddam judge threatens to quit

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — The judge trying Saddam Hussein has tendered his resignation, a source said on Saturday, making a protest at political interference and casting new doubt on the US-backed Iraqi government’s ability to ensure a fair trial. High tribunal officials were trying to talk Kurdish judge Rizgar Amin out …

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Tehran to resume nuclear fuel research

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran said it would resume nuclear fuel research on Monday, triggering fresh Western warnings that Tehran could face sanctions and wreck dialogue to end a dispute over its controversial nuclear programme. “The possibility of… sanctions continues to exist. But… this should be a last resort,” said Austrian …

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Khartoum vows commitment to year-old peace

KHARTOUM (AFP) — Sudan pledged to implement a historic north-south peace deal on its first anniversary, but aid agencies said there was little to celebrate as peace dividends were slow to come for many Sudanese. “Sudan and its national government renews its steadfast determination to implement all the articles of …

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